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Welcome to the solution for all your dog related problems!


When you got a dog, you pictured enjoyable hikes, afternoons at the cafe, and evenings cuddling on the couch. 


Instead, you got a dog who is hyperactive, difficult to walk, and won't listen to a word you say.  We can help! 


Bosque Dog Behavior Solutions focuses on the skills your dog needs to be an exceptional family member in a unique rural city environment.


Get the training you need to have the dog you deserve! Keep reading to hear more about our programs.

We visit you!

Private Training Programs

Meredy and Thunder went through a private training program to address his dog aggression and reactivity. He went from uncontrollable to a model leash walker.

Do you have a busy schedule and need your dog trained without too much time commitment?


Maybe your problems with your dog are best solved in your home such as jumping on guests or potty training, or maybe you want your dog to behave in real world situations such as at the park, outside cafes, or on hiking trails.


No matter what is frustrating you about your dog's behavior, we can solve it.

Oakley (English Mastiff) and his sister Bayley are frightened of strangers and let very few people handle them. They each look forward to their Sit and Train days when their family goes on vacations. Here Oakley is pictured with Vertigo (Australian Cattle Dog) at a local Los Alamos, NM Gordon's Concert

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© 2015 Proton Pawsitive. Proudly created with


- Behavioral modification
- Private lessons
- Puppies

- Adult dogs
- Off-leash obedience

- Public manners

- And more!


Appointments available



Call or text us anytime!


Tel:  505-433-8617

Facebook: /bosquedogs

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